5 BS Dating Excuses đźš©

You’ve heard them before — those seemingly innocent lines that try to excuse away flaky behavior. Maybe you’ve even tried to read between the lines.

Let’s decode man-language and save you from another situationship or a wasted three-months of waiting for him to come around. Here’s the reality behind five all-too-common dating excuses that are secretly relationship red flags.

  • 1. “I’ve just been really busy.”

When you hear, “I’ve been really busy,” here’s what’s actually being communicated: getting to know you just isn’t a priority.

We’re all busy, but the reality is that someone who truly wants to connect with you will find time. They’ll make the effort to text, to schedule time together, and show up. “Busy” really means, “I’m not invested in getting to know you right now.”

Why this is a red flag: Priorities matter in dating. If he’s not willing to make time, he’s showing that your relationship isn’t on his radar. A true partnership is built on two people who prioritize each other, even when life is hectic.

  • 2. “I’m not ready for something serious.”

Translation? They’re unwilling to put in the effort that vulnerability, commitment, and genuine care require. They might enjoy your company but still want to keep their options open.

If he’s not willing to be serious about you, then it’s likely he’s leaving room for something else — or someone else. And that doesn’t sound like a situation that’s set up to make you feel safe, valued, or prioritized.

Why this is a red flag: Being “not ready” for something serious might actually mean “not willing to show up.” Relationships demand presence, trust, and a level of commitment that he might not be prepared to offer. If commitment is something you want, let this one go.

  • 3. “It’s bad timing. I just got out of something.”

What he’s really saying? You could be a fun rebound but nothing more. Maybe he’s still processing his last relationship, or maybe he just wants a distraction, but either way, he’s not looking to build something serious.

Why this is a red flag: When someone isn’t ready to date fully, it’s unlikely they’ll suddenly wake up and be ready one day. Building a relationship with someone who’s emotionally unavailable usually leads to heartbreak and unmet expectations. This is a red flag to respect your own time and emotions.

  • 4. “I like what we have right now; why do we need to define it?”

This is classic situationship language. They’re getting the benefits of companionship, emotional support, and maybe even intimacy — without the commitment.

The truth is, if he doesn’t want to define things, it’s likely because he doesn’t want to be tied down and would rather keep things light and convenient for himself.

Why this is a red flag: If you’re craving stability and assurance, staying in a “non-defined” place won’t fulfill you. A healthy relationship is one where both partners are clear on their commitment and can trust the connection they’re building. Ambiguity in dating leaves one person feeling undervalued — and usually, it’s not him.

  • 5. “Sorry, I’m just bad with my phone.”

Ever heard, “I’m not great with my phone”? It’s a way of saying, “Keeping up with you feels like work, and I’m not really invested in doing it.”

People today are constantly connected, so if someone claims they’re just not a “phone person,” it’s a choice they’re making about prioritizing you. True interest and excitement show up in the small efforts people make, including texts and calls.

Why this is a red flag: Communication is everything in dating and relationships. If he’s dismissive about responding to you or reaching out, he’s not engaged in the relationship. And if he’s checked out, it’s a clear indicator that it’s time for you to move on.


Remember, It’s Not About You

The biggest takeaway? These excuses are about them and not you. Relationships with real, mature, and emotionally available men don’t start with excuses. They start with clarity, commitment, and consistent action.

If you’re a high-achieving woman who’s ready for a man who’s emotionally available, mature, grounded, and cherishes you, then let these dating excuses be your guide to what not to settle for. You deserve a relationship where your needs and time are respected.

If you’re ready to call in a relationship that lights you up and makes you feel secure, I’ve created a free masterclass to show you the quickest, most effective path to that dream relationship.

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