Does Dating Bring Out Your Anxious Side?
Why do you get so anxious in dating?
It's not because you're crazy or insecure, or there is something wrong with you.
It's actually pretty simple, love is something that you can't fully control.
You invest so much of your heart, time and energy into it and that's a really scary thing to do, especially when you feel you don’t have complete control over it.
This is what changes everything for my clients (who have gone from hating dating & attracting emotionally unavailable men to finding their life partner!) 👇👇
We cannot control other people and we cannot control love.
What we CAN control is our contribution and how we handle it.
The biggest reason why women struggle so much with anxiety in dating is that they don’t have the right tools to handle it.
Having the right tools is the difference between enjoying dating and drowning in dating misery.
So, what are those tools?
1️⃣ Understand dating dynamics
This is where you see the contribution you DO have. Dating becomes so much more fun and easeful when you actually know what the eff is going on. This is absolutely key to attracting the RIGHT partner for you and not falling into repetitive patterns.
2️⃣ Surrendering
You gotta relax. Stop looking at dating like a work project to complete or having an agenda that it needs to happen at a certain time or a certain way. This is the fast-track to hating dating, trust me.
3️⃣ Honoring Your Boundaries
The less able you are to honor your boundaries, the more anxious you will feel in dating. Knowing that we have our own back in this way provides us with much-needed stability during dating.
4️⃣ The Art of Vetting
You need to know what you are looking for and how to identify if a potential partner would be compatible longterm. This keeps you from stressing over the wrong things and feeling confident to know exactly what will work for you and what won’t.
So… are you going to complain about dating and feeling anxious about every connection (this pushes emotionally available men away) OR learn the tools to go from casual dating to committed relationship with the RIGHT partner?
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