The #1 Thing I wish more women understood when it comes to attracting your ideal partner
It is going to require you to start choosing differently
I’m guessing you do not want your next partner to be exactly like all the other partners you already had, who’ve been emotionally unavailable, or not ready for commitment, or not great communicator.
You want something different.
We are attracted to what is familiar to our nervous system, which is why we find ourselves in these frustrating loops again and again.
Choosing differently means you are breaking out of your patterns.
You current patterns in dating & relationship might look like:
❌ repeatedly falling for the wrong guy
❌ being reactive then feeling guilty
❌ fantasizing over the storyline of “I will be the one to change them/ get them to heal/ get them to commit”
❌ never feeling like “enough”
When you start choosing healthy relationships, you’ll need to start choosing differently, which is superrrrr uncomfy (just ask my clients 😜)
Everything in you is going to want to go for what is familiar —
Your brain will even convince you that the healthy, stable guy is too boring.
The truth is, healthy love isn’t boring, it’s just different.
Choosing differently can look like: choosing to tend to your emotions, choosing to stop seeing the red flag guy & choosing to go on one more date with the stable, choosing to prioritize healthier communication etc.