#1 tool to release control & open to trust
This week’s share is close to my heart.
Trust has been one of the most healing forces in my life.
As someone who learned to turn towards control as a way to feel “safe” due to traumatic experiences in the past, learning to trust — myself, others, and Life — has not been easy.
In my quest to truly understand HOW to trust and WHAT it looks like to embody trust, I developed a practice that I first started doing myself, then as I experienced the impact, I began offering to my clients.
Here it goes…
🔹 Life As My Lover 🔹
When I view Life as my lover, I begin to feel the unwavering support, the wise guidance, and the unconditionally loving presence that is all around me.
I begin to tune into the natural current of Life, which is always guiding me but is really hard to feel when my body is tightened with control, doubt and fear.
I am humbled as I see all the things I’ve been trying to manage and control are actually completely out of my control. I’m just tiring myself trying to control them.
Life lovingly reminds me, “I’ve got it. You can rest.” and I soften.
I see that a lot of my work is actually more about stepping out of the way and letting Life orchestrate its magic around me.
My role isn’t to manage and control, but rather to allow and receive.
An exercise that can help you connect to trust
Take a piece of paper —
On one side, write down everything YOU are in control of (hint: this list will be very, very short).
On the other side, write down everything that Life is in control of.
What you’ll see is that you’ve been trying to control all sorts of things that are on Life’s list.
Redirection your energy to focus on things you CAN control (your thoughts, feelings, behaviors) and cultivate trust in Life that it’s got everything else under control.
Life is unfolding exactly as it should. Everything that is happening is actually in YOUR favor.
I personally connect to Life as a divine Masculine energy (healing my relationship with the masculine AND releasing control - it’s a win-win).
This way, whenever a stranger holds the door open for me or I hit all green lights when I’m already running late — I feel the presence of this masculine energy watching over me and providing for me and it allows me to settle in and trust the magical and mysterious unfolding that is Life.