3 Dating Boundaries to Save you from Heartbreak

Before we talk boundaries, let me be clear —

Boundaries are so that you can open up and receive love, not so that you can keep love out.

Boundaries allow people in, they show the right people how to love you.

They are not to put up more walls & guard yourself even more.

Cool, now that we’re on the same page… here’s the 3 dating boundaries:

1️⃣ I am only available for potential partners who make me a priority. If someone leaves me guessing or if I feel I am chasing, I will walk away.

2️⃣ I will stay true to who I am. I do not need to change who I am, or be less of myself, in order to keep someone’s love and approval.

3️⃣ I will view dating as an intentional practice. Some people won’t be a match and that’s okay. My worth is not dependent on how other’s behave and treat me.

Can you imagine yourself holding these boundaries while dating?

Seeing my clients step back into dating after feeling so drained and frustrated by it

and now having multiple amazing men pursuing them consistently, being in the position where THEY are choosing, and feeling so empowered during the process lights me up!

It can be possible for you too.


Why have I not met the one yet?


Healthy Pacing in Dating