Which Dater are You?

From my work with women, I’ve come to see these two major themes very clearly — and I’m curious which one you resonate with more?

The Hyper-Independent Woman:

  • Distracts herself with work, friends, family and pets

  • Avoids dating altogether

  • Convinces herself that relationships are too much trouble, she’s better off without a man

  • Thinks she’s setting “boundaries” but they are actually “walls” she’s built up trying to protect herself

  • Has a “I can do it all myself” mindset

  • Doesn’t trust a man to take the lead

  • Attracts passive men because she is very much in her masculine energy

The Cool Girl:

  • Go with the flow, laid back, doesn't make a fuss, low maintenance

  • Settles for whatever she can get, eats up the breadcrumbs

  • Doesn’t express emotions or vulnerability in fear of being too much

  • “If I’m not too much, a man is more likely to want me,”

  • Convinces herself that she doesn’t care that much so when a man hurts her, “It’s no big deal, I didn’t even care anyways.”

  • Attracts men who are noncommittal and inconsistent

Although these two daters seem very different, they are more similar than you may think.

Both are run by subconscious patterns & they will both fail at finding healthy love doing what they’ve been doing.

Overcoming your patterns is the quickest, most effective way to attract an emotionally available, committed partner.

If you are ready to overcome your patterns in relationships and experience peace from an emotionally connectedrelationship -

I'll teach you how inside my group mentorship, Radiant Relationship Academy. (Join the Waitlist today so you’ll be the first to know when enrolment reopens.)


3 Ways You’re Accidentally Scaring Them Away and How to Stop


7 Common Dating Mistakes Independent Women Make